Virtual & In-Person Events

Virtual & In-Person Events

During the period of the COVID-19 virus, TGS expanded its online offerings to compensate for the inability to have face-to-face meetings while abiding by the social distancing standards.

But now in-person events are coming back! TGS meetings will meet at Hardesty Library. But don’t worry if you prefer to attend on-line. Classes will be offered in a hybrid format; that is both simultaneously in the library and on Zoom.

These are all free and open to the public.  Go to our calendar to see our schedule of events as well as instructions on how to participate in the online events.

Tulsa Publications and Annals are Available!

Tulsa Publications and Annals are Available!

With years in the making, we are excited to announce our TGS Publications (Annals) are available to the public.   Many volunteers and over 50 years have been put into this effort.  And with the help of technology, you are able to view this records from your own home.

So, what are included in these Publications?

Tulsa Annals Forty-six Index is formatted to foster the ancestry research, members and the researcher/writers who shared their information via this Tulsa Genealogical Society publication since 1966.  Tulsa Annals concluded publication with the Summer 2012 Edition.

The Index is topical, with a few details per entry, to give the browser some clues about whether this is a probable name or family or place for which they seek new information.  The details include dates and locations mentioned in the periodicals.  The dates may indicate the earliest known date of a family history, which will include the person named. Each article is linked to the actual publication in which it appeared.

The Index is not a comprehensive surname list for the 117 Tulsa Annals issues. But the Index does permit search for surnames in the first six sections. The last two categories, Historical Records and Research and Resources, give rich supplemental details for family histories.

Where can I find this information?

Check out our newest page, TGS Publications and Annals.  We hope you find it as useful as we do.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

The Tulsa Genealogical Society