Tulsa Genealogical Society

The Tulsa Genealogical Society welcomes you to join us.

All meetings and workshops are free and open to the public.  Below are just a couple of highlights, TGS offers.

Holiday Party Extravaganza!

You’re officially invited to the MOST wonderful party of the year; and by “wonderful” we mean a superb time of questionable games, ugly sweaters, and enjoying yourself immensely!

Upcoming Events

Please click on the REGISTER button to register for an event.

TGS General Meeting

Topics vary each month. Be sure to check back! In addition to meeting at the Hardesty Library, we also have


Ladies Luncheon

Let’s meet at the Silver Skillet for lunch! What projects are we working on?

Silver Skillet Family Diner, East 61st Street, Tulsa, OK, USA

Research Desk with Annette

Topics vary by month. Be sure to check back!


TGS Highlights

Outstanding Speakers

…for all Family Historians and Genealogists.

Program topics are chosen according to the interest level of the membership.  Please check our upcoming Events.

Stay Up To Date

Want to get news about about TGS?

Sign-up to receive a current issue of our newsletter.

Monthly Events

Refer to the TGS Event Calendar for upcoming programs.



TGS Highlights

Outstanding Speakers

…for all Family Historians and Genealogists.

Program topics are chosen according to the interest level of the membership.

Stay Up To Date

Join TGS to to receive monthly newsletters.

Not sure? You can sign-up to get a 3-month trial of our newsletter. 

Monthly Events

Refer to the TGS Event Calendar for upcoming programs.

Join us!

Member Benefits

Benefits of being a member with the Tulsa Genealogical Society.
  • You are no longer alone.
  • You learn new research skills.
  • You learn how to evaluate genealogical software.
  • You will improve your skills in reading old handwriting.
  • You learn from other members.
  • You gain appreciation of other local societies.
  • You gain experience in using a new record type.
  • You develop leadership skills.
  • You may not find a cousin, but someone else may.
  • You develop lifelong friendships